
Creating a manual order

Creating a manual order

Bob Go allows you to create your own orders, instead of having the orders pull through automatically from your sales channels. 

To create a manual order, navigate to orders in the left navigation panel and click on the “Create order” button. In the order creation modal, add your customer’s address or import it from the address book. Add any order details and then either save the order to complete later or save and fulfill. If you choose to save and fulfill, you will be taken to the order details modal. Here, you need to confirm that the order information is correct and add all parcel details to get rates. Select your preferred rate from the modal and book the shipment. You will then receive confirmation that your order has been fulfilled with the waybill number of the shipment. 

Order tags: 

Tags can be applied to orders during order creation. Tags allow you to group orders based on your specifications and save you the time and effort of needing to filter through and identify those particular orders.